Unfortunately the sun didn't really come out while I was taking this picture, and the boards of the terrace were still a bit damp - but these colours cannot fail to make me happy, especially when they are part of designs by my favorite fabric designers!
Sadly I cannot really spend much time right now on knitting or sewing. Got an exam coming up on june 6th that I need to prepare for...
A few days ago Polly commented that some references says that cold colours usually are prefered by logical thinkers. Well, in my case I believe this could be right, Polly, 'cause every time I have tried one of those not-really-scientific tests of thinking patterns, the result has been that I am a logical/analythical thinker. But I see this as being in contradiction with me having a yarn/fabric stash, that has had an exponential growth for the last couple of decades!!! Maybe that relates to another test result around my brain usage - that I have a total balance between my left and right brain ;-) (Don't know if this means that they are both turned off sometimes?).
Mieke shared a great link to the knittinginjapan yahoo group when commenting - thanks a lot, Mieke!
Yvonne asked for a japanese craft book source: I usually get my fix at YesAsia! Not always the fastest way to get a book, but very reliable and a lot of great knitting/sewing/crochet books.
analytical and logical except when it comes to acquiring stash or shoes or handbags..? must be a female thing ? ;-) I think acquiring a stash is inevitable for all long-term crafters. You buy yarn for a project and it doesn't work but you still like the yarn, so it does into stash.
btw love the colours for the quilt. gorgeous and fresh and perfect for the summer
Au contraire mon cher! It's perfectly logical to stash yarn. I mean, what if there's a yarn drought. Or sheep become extinct? It's only logical to plan ahead by stashing. :-)
i am not looking at any more fabric
i am not looking at any more fabric
i am not looking at any more fabric
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