Unfortunately, they tasted just as booring as they looked. Even 7 year old Marie lost her cake-hunger after just two.
We simply had to do something more colourfull. So out on the floor came a bunch of Amy Butler Lotus fabric squares, and she and I started to fit them together in a suitable way, so that they could eventually be sewn together into something resembling a small quilt.
This morning I woke in the wee hours, and just because I really needed to do a lot of different stuff, I ended up sewing the quilt together. It was finished by the time the rest of the family woke up, and it almost instantly became part of a lair together with some cushions and small tables, built by Marie.

This being the first sunny day in a long time, and a day off for all of us, called for some outside activity. A quick tour to the bicycle dealer on the corner got us the bike that Marie was promised to get this spring, and then off we went to Tivoli, the enchanted garden/amusement park in central Copenhagen.
Marie and her dad high up, blue skies, warm weather.

Tivoli is a very special place. On a day like this there are thousands of visitors, but even then some parts of the park seams quiet and peacefull, like this.

Around nine-ish the weather was still fine, and the air full of spring. But as tomorrow will also hold a lot of activity, it was time to go home. And for the tired girl hiding in her jacket, it was time to get a good nights sleep.

A good day was had by all.
I'm in favor of any holiday that calls for cupcakes. :-)
a perfect sunny day!
The quilt is gorgeous Bettina! And I love that blue yarn above :)
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